Sunday, January 15, 2006

Welcome to the world, Zoe Nicole Elissa Farrell!

She's here! Zoe Nicole Elissa Farrell. She has her own blog...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Albion Park Show

Well, after 3 years we made it to the Albion Park Show. Walking Michelle all around the show still hasn't brought on the baby!

The cleaning continues - last night our friends Linda and her daughters helped with the 'guest room' which was infested with the dross discarded from the baby's room. Today we cleared the pantry and restacked it using the discarded 5 litre ice cream containers from the local ice creamery.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No baby yet...

No news is good news? Maybe, maybe not. I'm up typing this in while Michelle is moping around the house... the first night in 2006 that I got to bed before 10:00pm and bubs decides to keep us both up. Even inside the womb she's making her presence known and felt!

Methinks our little drama queen is ready to make a grand entrance into the world.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Bye bye motorbike, the second time!

We farewelled the motorbike for the second time the other day.

After selling it on ebay, the buyer suggested we had ripped him off. It was sold in good faith but given the nature of his complaint we bought it back. It was nowhere near as bad as he said, but we didn't want him ever to say an Anglican minister ripped him off.

So as to avoid this happening again, we gave it to Beth and Glen. Michelle and Glenn met through Beth and Glen and Glen is going to college next year. So they have it to use (they both ride) or to sell, to raise funds for college.

They promised not to bring it back to us!

Still no sign of baby...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bubby's room is ready!

Bubby's room is ready, the bag is packed, so all there is to do for Michelle is sit and watch the cricket (go Ponting!).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

They came from afar... bearing fuel supplies

It's not that far from Shellharbour to Sydney, but it seems that everyone in Sydney thinks Shellharbour is at the other end of the universe. A case in point: Glenn's dad brought a jerry can of fuel with him. (Fuel in Shellharbour is priced better than many parts of Sydney!) Posted by Picasa

A little baby's room is getting a little readier...

We had a visit yesterday from Malcolm, Ellen, Lachlan and Matthew (but forgot to take a photo... more's the pity since they are the only ones reading this blog).

And today Glenn's mum and dad came down so mum could help Michelle make a baby's room. It is very cute.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The day of the yellow lilly

Our yellow lillies are out... the corn and beans have 'hatched' but are a little scorched (and snail-eaten)... but my garden is sort of resembling a real garden now. Michelle and I visited the obstetrician today... he reckons the baby will be a week early. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Rails return to Kurrajong

Finally! My "recreation" of the Kurrajong Railway line has been made into a video... some friends are actually interested in this sort of thing, you know! Visit to view the internet (100mbs) version of the video or send me a comment to arrange a DVD. Posted by Picasa

Hotter day, hot water.

What a day! After soaring temperatures yesterday which saw me preaching in a sweat-wet shirt (yuk!), today is so cool! Last night I hosed the garden for the first time (as opposed to the watering can... and yes, it was allowed by water restrictions). Our lillies are not coping at all. The light pink/white one shrivelled up and died before its time and the yellow one that had only opened that morning waned long before I got a change to photograph it. After preaching twice and playing guitar at both services, today I'm speaking at the evangelistic "Camper's Service" down at the caravan park for the SUFM. "Why did I accept their invitation?" I ask myself - ego at being asked or willingness to help? I can't remember! I pray God will use my inadequate preaching to draw men and women to him. The SUFM team is a great team, and I pray God will use them for his glory. Posted by Picasa