Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Which bank came to the party?

Well, it looks like customer service still exists in some places.

My firm, but polite, letter to the Which Bank and copied to their supermarket banking partner resulted in a phone call today to say that they were going to rectify my issues.

Meanwhile, I have to go and see the bottom doctor and have one of those fancy videos taken of my insides to see if there are any little corals there. And I'm not even 40!

Monday, March 27, 2006

A pre-dawn morning walk...

Well it's not often lately that I've been getting out to go for a morning walk. But the happy pills seem to have been working and my self-developed rehabilitation plan saw me schedule to be up at 5.45 this morning.

So at 5.30 the alarm went off... and I hit 'snooze'... 5.40... up by 5.45 and did my 5BX (hey I'm already up to D on the first page!). By 6.00 I was out on the street... and it was still dark! It's kinda fun to walk through a town and see the world begin to wake up. Reminds me of my shift work days, but in a good way. I always enjoyed being on night shift and watching the world come to life - a world that, for most of us, sleeps through the night.

Anyway, I was out there and I was thinking about a conversation I had at church yesterday. If someone donated a dollar to BCA for everytime I was told this obvious fact, the organisation would have 2 more missioners in the field!

Someone told me yesterday (as I am told every week), "Hey, did you know you're fat!?". A different perishioner - oops parishioner - tells me every week. It's as if I am oblivious to my inability to cut my toe nails without first taking a breath and holding it... or is af I am not at all aware that the verandah over the tool shed means the little fella and I have not been able to see each other for 10 years.

I felt like saying, with my most seriously dry countenance, "Oh really, you don't say? But I thought that 3XL ("Three-Excel!") on my clothes labels was the name of an excellent clothing brand, not my shirt size."

But instead, as a servant of the church, I smile sweetly and thank them for making the observation, and promise faithfully to take their advice to try the latest fad-diet that helped their dear Aunty Ethel, who was finding the diet so successful until she died suddenly from some unexplained illness.

Which reminds me about an old Irish joke: Did you hear about the Irish donkey breeder? He was working on breeding a donkey that didn't need feeding. He was telling his mate in the pub, "I reduced his portions each week. But I'd just got the silly old ass to the point when he didn't need any food at all and he up and died on me."


Hey, while I'm still on a roll: During my morning walk (my first since 22 September and first serious exercise since I went bike riding every morning in November) I saw Claudia. Claudia is a small ship that comes into the jetty at Bass Point (South Shellharbour Beach) to load at the Hanson (Pioneer) quarry. She sails to Blackwattle Bay in Sydney to the Hanson (Pioneer) concrete depot next to the Fish Markets. I used to see Claudia on my morning walks when I lived in the inner city, and so it's a fun link to another enjoyable time of life.

The significant thing this morning was that I wondered to myself this morning, "Does the shipping company which runs Claudia call itself The Claudia Shipper?" ka-boom-tink.

I crack myself up sometimes.

Ok, it was pre-dawn.

I'll just go now.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Which bank gives me $28,000 credit limit but won't let me downgrade my card?

Which bank has no idea?

Get this:
  • I have a VISA card with ANZ. They happily threw an extra $1,500 credit at me bringing that limit to $5,000.
  • I have a Commonwealth Bank Gold Mastercard which happily threw an extra $18,000 credit at me bringing that limit to $28,000.
  • The mathematical among you will calculate that's $34,500 in combined credit limits.
Now, I don't need or want that much credit! I pay my cards off each month. I use them instead of cash or a debit card and the associated transaction charges. The point is this: the Which Bank deemed I was too bad a risk to issue me with a Woolworths Ezy MasterCard. At the time of applying, I was (and am!) meeting my commitments in full. At the time my combined credit limits on the above cards at the time of $15,000).

I rang the Which Bank and asked to convert my Gold MasterCard to an Ezy Card. "Sorry, sir, we don't do that. Apply for the Ezy Mastercard, then pay off and close your Gold MasterCard". Which I can't do because they bloody-well won't give me an Ezy MasterCard!

Instead, in a classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing, this company that deems me to be a bad risk threw $18,000 at me in the form of an increased credit limit.

And to think that this bank makes zillions in profits to shareholders!

I've fired of a testy letter both to the Which Bank and their Joint Venture Ezy Grocer. Oh, and I've started to phase out my Gold MasterCard in favour of the Another Bank VISA which I was not hitherto using.