Friday, September 28, 2007

Ok, so I'm a nerd!

Here is a picture of my weather station.

So ok, I'm a nerd.

But it's fun!

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Yee haa!

Last Friday was our big Bush Dance... what a fun night was had by all.

Church socials... hmmm we tend to frown on them. But it was great.

I think the best thing about it was that the church were able to see the youth group - and vice versa.

I've been telling the church how well youth group has been going, but I don't think they believed me!

Well, they saw it WRIT LARGE!

From this photo you'd be forgiven for thinking we are a young church.

Praise God for the youth who come each week to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus and his Word; pray that they will move from being able to articulate the gospel message (which they can do well) to apprehending it in their hearts.
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